What are the benefits of chair yoga for seniors

The population is aging at a rate never seen in human history.  We are moving towards a time where we are seeing a rise in age-related cognitive impairments as well as a decline in physical ability.

Drugs are ineffective to stop this, they can relieve pain and suffering to a certain extent, but will not bring lasting improvements.  It is now known that preventative interventions can bring about better wellness, without the side effects of drugs.

Yoga is rapidly gaining popularity in the West (it has been used in the East for thousands of years).  The benefits of a gentle chair based yoga and meditation practice will help with:

  • stress-reduction,
  • clarity of mind and creating a sense of inner peace
  • greater awareness and cognition
  • flexibility
  • better range of movement
  • easing stiffness of joints and
  • improving posture
  • balance of mind and body

Being part of a regular yoga group for seniors has the potential to offer social interaction and a feeling of belonging.

Watching my participants who attend regular classes becoming more mobile and some even glowing, is why I teach mindful chair yoga.  I have a lady who was stooped and we never saw her face, to now moving with her head held high and her beautiful smile out there for all to see.
